About Shoppd Scores
We aggregate simplified ratings from our community of verified and passionate shoppers to produce a highly
trustable score between 0 and 10. Some products are sub-5, which we display as red on our platform,
many have mixed ratings between 5-7 shown as yellow, and a select few are above 7 or even better
8.5+ displayed as green. Depending on the number of ratings and the ratio of favorites vs likes vs dislikes
we are able to capture the customer satisfaction of a product or brand that we believe is one of the most
telling metrics.
For more information on a particular product, we encourage users to visit the listings on Amazon for long-form reviews and product details. Shoppd simply aims to serve as a starting point when faced with choice anxiety or an overwhelming number of 4★ product options. Our ratings serve to enhance your shopping journey and prioritize qualitative over quantitative ratings.
How are Shoppd ratings 100% verified?
Everyone on Shoppd is identifiable and verified through friend network tracking as well as proprietary
methods of bot-detection on our backend. You can trust that these ratings are 1. coming from real people,
and 2. not incentivized in any way shape or form. Any findings of incentivized product promotion on our
platform are not tolerated and can be reported to